An uber-festive Christmas and New Year greeting

Bringing all six colours together for a colourful Christmas card design. I’m happy this is the reason all six colours I’ve done for the jewel design are coming together: for a Christmas and New Year greeting.

This Muslim wishes all Christians a Merry Christmas, and wishing for everyone on this planet regardless of religion, race and nationality, a New Year with peace, love and good health. And jobs and financial stability.

Well, might as well throw in mental hugs for the astronauts who are not on this planet as well, and any aliens as well who happen to be snooping around WordPress and reading this. Have a great next year!

For the sake of all our sanity, especially mine, let’s all hope and pray (if you believe in God, if not, just hope) that 2021 will start to bring back the pre-Covid world (the good bits, I mean, not the shitty stuff like worse pollution). Starting with the vaccine, please. One that is affordable and accessible to everyone, and obviously one that works, meaning safe and effective for everyone.

As opposed to starting a zombie apocalypse or something dramatic like that.

It seems to be less and less likely the world will go back to before, as if that world wasn’t hard enough. In the meantime, all we can do is to be hopeful and persevere, to hang on in there the best we can. I love you all, my fellow humans, and I wish everyone well.